Media & Education Guide

Latest Movie Releases & Coming Soon:  The Hunger Games, The Grey, God’s Gulch (2013), The Death of Eve (2013) , 4:44 Last Day on Earth (DVD July-2012), Seeking A Friend for the End of the World (June-2012), San Andreas 3-D (2014), Pompei (2013), Red Dawn (Nov 2, 2012), Galveston (no release date),

Disaster Films  From the classics to the over-the-top, utterly ridiculous blockbusters, Hollywood never runs out of ways to destroy the world.  SciFi Originals were not included in my list, but they seem to have all day disaster marathons
at least once a month.

Post-Apocolyptic & Dystopian Films  Lessons can be learned from these films where characters find themselves in strange new worlds as a result of  every imaginable catastrophe, plague, aliens, or an unfortunate disintegration of  society.  This genre offers something for everyone.

Survival Films  History is one of the best teachers of survival since it is destined to repeat itself.  Some of the best survival films are based in the most challenging times our country and world has faced.  I find it fascinating to watch even the weakest character find strength and courage to survive in the most unfortunate situations.

Television Series & Docuementaries  The last few years have brought the survival genre to the home screen.  Most recently, Doomsday Preppers, Meet the Preppers, and Independence USA provide insight to preparedness to the main stream.  Although, the producers of those shows need to work on the exploitation aspect, it’s good to get preparedness message out to a new audience.  JJ Abram’s is jumping on the bandwagon just in time for the Fall 2012 lineup with his series “Revolution” that promises not to disappoint.  2210 Collapse (NatGeo) and Earth 2100 (ABC)  are politically charged, yet provide interesting scenarios.    End Day (UK-2005), Extreme Survival (BBC/Ray Mears), The Day the Dollar Fails, The Invisible Machine: EMP, and Worse Case Scenario (Discovery Channel) are each full of information on potential disaster scenarios.

YouTube Channel (My 10 favorite in no particular order):   NutnFancy, ThePatriotNurse, Yankee Prepper, SouthernPrepper1, Cody Lundin, Survival Report, AnalyticalSurvival, SurvivalPodcast, Permaculture, The Pathfinder School

Video Games – Since I am not a video game expert, I contacted my friends at Game Stop and enlisted my teenage son in an effort to find a handful of the top apocalyptic or survival games.  Homefront’s website tells a great back story that had me pondering WWIII before it’s release last year.

Survival Fiction

Survival Non-Fiction

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